
News and Resources


17 June 2011

OpenTravel Using Datalex Merchandizing Schema

The OpenTravel Alliance (OpenTravel), the travel industry’s leading distribution specification and standards development organization, has decided to address the challenge of airline product and service merchandizing using advanced XML technology. Datalex, a founding OpenTravel member, has a robust set of schema that OpenTravel will use as their standard. As a founding member of OpenTravel,...
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17 June 2011

Datalex Customer Conference 2011 - BIG Ideas for Travel Retail

130 travel industry executives assembled in Dublin this week for a thought provoking, informed and passionate debate on the future of travel retail. Leading industry advisors as well as brand and retail experts from other industries joined with over 50 innovative and market leading airline and agency brands to provide the ingredients for the right discussions.

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6 April 2011

IATA Resolution 302 - no news must be good news!

For the past 12 months there have been working groups, discussions, publications, webinars, blogs and software development (in some cases) with IATA and ATPCO working tirelessly to prepare everyone for the 1st April 2011; the demise of Resolution 300 & 301 making way for Resolution 302 and automated baggage. From the information available it’s clear that not every airline has filed all their...

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