
News and Resources


30 January 2012

Want Personalization? Listen - Really Listen - to Customers

As consumers, we are accustomed to contextual, collaborative and intuitive conversations with retailers such as Amazon, Zappos or eBay feeding our demand for relevance in real time. We search and share conversations and experiences across our preferred social networks. We look to minimize dwell time in an always-connected world across an ever-increasing range of touch points. We do not want...

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30 November 2011

Merchandising in the Airline Industry - Towards a Retail Model

Download the full Travel Technology Research white paper at www.datalex.loc.

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24 October 2011

The Journey to Travel Retail

Airlines have done a heroic job over recent years in cutting costs and raising revenues, yet frustration abides with the current economics of distribution and the struggle for profitability. The evolving airline merchandising strategies seek to maximize profitability and champion a new future in travel retailing, which refines the customer engagement across all direct and indirect channels.


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