What the hell is the social graph?
Whilst attending Travel Technology Europe 2012 yesterday I sat in a Tnooz session: “What the hell is the social graph?” - great panel and discussion. There’s always Wikipedia for answers, but Matt Rhodes created a great visual representation of what the social graph is by getting the other panel members to stand up and link arms. Assisted by 2 audience members, one representing a pub and the...
Want Personalization? Listen - Really Listen - to Customers
As consumers, we are accustomed to contextual, collaborative and intuitive conversations with retailers such as Amazon, Zappos or eBay feeding our demand for relevance in real time. We search and share conversations and experiences across our preferred social networks. We look to minimize dwell time in an always-connected world across an ever-increasing range of touch points. We do not want...
Merchandising in the Airline Industry - Towards a Retail Model
Download the full Travel Technology Research white paper at www.datalex.loc.